Why your company should accept BitCoin


Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve seen cryptocurrencies getting tons of attention; Bitcoin in particular. For those who are unfamiliar, here’s a short introduction:

Rich in potential and steeped in controversy, Bitcoin is a radically new kind of money that operates without governments or banks. Already available and in limited use, Bitcoin has recently become a hot topic thanks to intense value-fluctuations, political pressure and surging media attention, here is some of the news that happened in 2013:

There were several adoption stories as well:

There are also some rumors around large companies that are working on support:

Adoption rate (source: blockchain.info/charts] #

The transaction volume went through the roof in November, but has calmed down a bit ever since.

Bitcoin went as high as $1,200/BTC before the China clampdown in late December. It has been floating steadily around $900 afterwards.

However, the adoption of online wallets services such as blockchain.info/wallet has been steadily increasing, acquiring over 1,000,000 users in a year.

But Dennis, the Bitcoin markets have been all over the place! #

True, but it’s possible to get immediate conversion and payout in US dollars via payment gateways such Bitpay and CoinBase. There have been several businesses picking up on this such as Overstock and TigerDirect. It’s made so easy that it’s it was possible for an LA Lamborghini car dealership to offer Lamborghinis and Teslas for Bitcoins.

Advantages #

Disadvantages #

Bitcoin has the potential to increase sales and deliver great publicity in one go, so go and implement it now!


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